Portfolio, Program & Projects Management
Portfolio, Program & project Management services are focussed on providing consultancy & solutions for large scale, long term planning of demand be it internal (investment management) or external (customer projects). Our product ProjAuto module on PPM have all in it. Again we serve heavy asset based industries and public sector for PPM solutions. In EAM industries, product construction can be a long term affair and require PPM tool to manage the whole lifecycle of such construction of long term heavy assets. Our consulting can work on teh range of industries such as Real-estate, construction, public secture infrastructure, heavy equipment industry or by and large any large scale project planning activities.
Large scale, Long term planning for any enterprise
ProjAuto, the PPM tool helps any enterprise for long term, large scale investment planning. It also helps in managing long term customer demand of products & projects.
What Projauto Offers?
Portfolio Management
Porfolio management helps in high level demand management across the enterprise covering demands from all subsidiaries & regions. Portfolio manager can see the reports and dashboard for easy tracking.
Program Management
Program management module helps in demand distribution across the group companies . Program manager can see the reports and dashboard for easy tracking for all projects under the program.
Project Management
Whether an investment project or a client project, ProjAuto helps in managing all type of projects across any industry particularly if it is a large scale project. Project manager can do a detailed planning of project work and track the project KPIs at various stages of the project.
Financial Management
ProjAuto allows to do budget planning, cost planning for all stages of the project & portfolio. It also helps project managers to have real time financial performance & earned value analysis for thier projects.
Managing Contractors
For any large scale project, collaboration with vendors provides a much high performance in delivery and finance of a project. ProjAuto helps in having a digital seamless collaboration with your vendors working on projects for various needs.
Managing Resources
Working on planning, utilization & costs such as - material, labour, consultants, machinary, contractors works, overheads, ProjAuto helps in automation of supply chain of the projects to save cost, time and efforts resulting into real time updates of the project.